SM Home-Schooling

Complaint Policy & Procedure

We welcome any suggestions on how to improve our services and will take any concerns about running School-Masters seriously. It is anticipated that most concerns will be resolved in a quick and informal manner to the appropriate member of staff. If the complaint is not resolved and you are not satisfied, please follow the following procedures. 

  • Stage One 

In the first instance, parents are encouraged to speak directly to the relevant member of staff, if deemed appropriate. If not, your child’s personal tutor should be approached and they will try to resolve the problem. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be found, then Stage Two of the procedure will formally come into operation. 

  • Stage Two 

If informal discussions of a complaint or problem have not produced a satisfactory resolution, parents should escalate their concerns by sending a mail to

Upon receiving your complaint, an appointment will be booked with all involved parties within 72 hours.  

  • Stage Three

Following the meeting with all stakeholders, details will be entered in our confidential complaints record, including source of complaint, nature of complaint, how it was dealt with and actions and outcome. This record will be shared with parents. 

The matter will be fully investigated within 14 working days. If there is any delay, School-Masters will advise the parent of this and offer an explanation. 

An official response will be given via email and all concerned copied. The response will include recommendations for dealing with the complaint and for any amendments to School-Masters’ policies or procedures emerging from the investigation. 

  • Stage Four 

If the parent remains dissatisfied, a Zoom meeting may be arranged with the Senior Leadership Term. 

Parents that are still dissatisfied, after School-Masters have done all they can to resolve the issue at hand, are entitled to contact the Education Board.
